International Young Designers Contest is initiated and organized for emerging talents from eastern and central Europe (Georgia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine) by Ukrainian Fashion Week committee. The contest provides real opportunities for novice talents by introducing them to the audience of recognized industry professionals, media and international public. IYDC is also a platform of cross boarder cultural exchange where talented youth are becoming the ambassadors of european values such as acceptance of national diversity, tolerance and mutual respect.
Members of the contest’s jury:
Liana Satenstein – chief editor of fashion news Vogue.com (USA);
Yu Masui – LVMH Prize scout, Japanese journalist, contributor of the leading international fashion media, blogger, known by his signature style (Japan);
Riccardo Terzo – stylist and journalist of Vogue Italy, scout of Vogue Talents Project (Italy);
Giovanni Ottonello – professor, creative director of Istituto Europeo di Design (IED – chain of international universities in the areas of Fashion, Design, Art, Marketing, Management and Communication) (Italy);
Adriano Batista - chief editor - and Eduardo Garcia – founder and director of Fucking Young! - Spanish magazine about male fashion and culture. Fucking young! is collaborating with young photographers, designers and stylist, revealing new names (Spain).
Liana Satenstein – chief editor of fashion news Vogue.com (USA);
Yu Masui – LVMH Prize scout, Japanese journalist, contributor of the leading international fashion media, blogger, known by his signature style (Japan);
Riccardo Terzo – stylist and journalist of Vogue Italy, scout of Vogue Talents Project (Italy);
Giovanni Ottonello – professor, creative director of Istituto Europeo di Design (IED – chain of international universities in the areas of Fashion, Design, Art, Marketing, Management and Communication) (Italy);
Adriano Batista - chief editor - and Eduardo Garcia – founder and director of Fucking Young! - Spanish magazine about male fashion and culture. Fucking young! is collaborating with young photographers, designers and stylist, revealing new names (Spain).


international participants of the contests
international participants of the contest with organisers

jury durung the interview with participants
jury members

IYDC final gala fashion show

IYDC final gala fashion show

IYDC final gala fashion show

IYDC final gala fashion show

IYDC final gala fashion show
IYDC final gala fashion show
IYDC final gala fashion show
IYDC final gala fashion show
IYDC final gala

IYDC final gala

IYDC final gala